Secured Interoperable Communications
When wireless, interoperable, mission critical secured communications are an absolute requirement, business, government, law enforcement, first responders, emergency managers and others turn to Agile (
Agile, a USA small business, is the global innovator and leading provider of secured communications technologies that deliver powerful, solid-state, ruggedized, seamless, portable, lightning-fast and the most flexible system available offering the broadest range of 4G, LTE, and 5G coverage in the industry. Agile’s full line of products support both land and marine applications. Unlike our competition, CORE protects your investments through the use of an expandable, upgradeable, and enhanceable architecture.
Agile CORE represents the state-of-the-art communications hub that provides Secured Interoperable Communication with a complete solution to combine hardware, software, and mobile applications. We provide communications over LTE, LTE advanced, 3G, LMR, satellite, landline and Wi-Fi, which provides real-time video updates, SMS, MMS, and Cellular (Voice&Text) between multiple parties/agencies for seamless, efficient, secured, platform agnostic and synchronized communications. GPS tracking is embedded in the unit. All Agile products are an extension of CORE. They are built ruggedized to endure extreme weather and various conditions. This technology has been perfected over the past decade in over 70 countries around the globe. Land, mobile, and marine applications extend the range of coverage as needed.
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