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The cutting-edge of commercial marine meets a 45-year maritime industry tradition at The International WorkBoat Show. As the maritime industry embraces innovation, The WorkBoat Show remains at the forefront, driving progress and propelling the industry forward.
Each year, thousands of people return to New Orleans to network, discover innovative products, and learn about evolving issues affecting the industry.
Join us to discover thousands of solutions, strategies, and cutting-edge technology to give your business an edge in 2025 and beyond.
Commercial Vessel Owners and Operators
Boat Builders
Marine Architects
Equipment Manufacturers
Port Authorities
Port Engineers
Marine Surveyors
Military | Buyers
Government Officials
Oil Exploration and Production
International WorkBoat Show & Annual Conference takes place in Halls B through F of the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center.
Ernest N. Morial Convention Center
900 Convention Center Blvd.
New Orleans, LA 70130
Registration is located in the lobby outside of Hall D. The Conference and Keynotes will take place in the Great Hall.
Located in Lobby F, The UPS Store is both a self-service and full-service operation, depending on the customer’s needs. Remote business centers can be set up at event registration areas. Hours are tailored to meet the needs of convention managers and attendees. A wide range of supplies and services including shipping, high volume copying, faxing, badge chains, etc., are available.
Contact: The UPS Store
Phone: (504)670-8941
Fax: (504)670-8887
Email: [email protected]
Whether you need boxed lunches for ten or gumbo for 10,000, Centerplate, the New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center’s exclusive food service provider, can turn out quality results for any size meeting. For attendees’ convenience, the Convention Center also offers retail cafes in the lobbies and a variety of concession stands throughout the facility.
Starbucks – The world-renowned coffee company is located in the Atrium between Lobbies B and C.
The New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center provides services ramps to entrances and elevated areas, an array of passenger elevators, restroom facilities for the disabled, brailed instructions/directions at strategic locations throughout the building and pay phones located at each level of the facility with (TDD) hearing-impaired functions. Wheelchairs also are available upon request. The New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center is ADA compliant. For Mobility Scooter rental, click here.
Destination address for GPS or online mapping:
900 Convention Center Blvd.
New Orleans, LA 70130
The Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport is approximately 20 minutes by car to the Morial Convention Center and surrounding hotels. Traveling options from the airport and the Morial Convention Center or to your hotel include:
Shuttle: The International WorkBoat Show partners with the Airport Shuttle Service to bring our attendees discounted transportation stay tuned for more details about this program and how to reserve your transportation.
Taxi: $33 flat-rate to Central Business District or $14 per person for 3+ passengers
Public Transit: $2 fare and the Airport-Downtown Express (E-2) Bus picks up outside airport Entrance #7 on the upper level
For more information on transportation options to and from the airport, click HERE.
Ample parking is available at the Convention Center for a daily fee.
Click here to view the parking map.
General Directions from the East:
General Directions from the West:
Attending the International WorkBoat Show wouldn’t be a complete experience if you didn’t explore New Orleans during the evening!
With our hotels rooms centered along the Mississippi River, you’ll be within walking distance of the French Quarter, Bourbon Street, Cajun cuisine, and New Orleans’s famous attractions: nightlife, music, casinos, trolleys, aquarium, and tours. New Orleans is an incredible opportunity to do business, make connections, and enjoy new scenery, cuisine, and culture.
We have been informed by the US Embassies that a letter of invitation has no bearing on whether a visa will be issued.
When applying for your visa, be sure to provide a copy of your registration confirmation or exhibit contract (if applicable) to attend the show, as well as any promotional materials you have received verifying the exhibition is a valid event.
Additional information on US Visas can be found HERE.
Please understand no exceptions will be made.