Dec 3-5, 2025  •  Morial Convention Center  •  New Orleans, LA

Agenda Session

Advances in acoustic technology for discovering the secrets of the ocean

Nov 12 2024

3:30 PM - 4:00 PM CST

UI - Classroom 2

Kongsberg Discovery is a global leader in the offshore technology market, providing sensors and equipment for survey on traditional research and commercial fleets, as well on autonomous and semi-autonomous survey platforms.

This presentation will provide insights on the availability of and recent innovations to Kongsberg Discovery’s acoustic tools for seabed, subsea, and water column data collection across a vast array of applications and platforms. Applications include exploration, mapping, infrastructure inspection, subsurface anomaly detection, stock assessment, situational awareness, environmental monitoring, and offshore infrastructure planning including but not limited to wind turbine installations.

These applications take place on a range of platforms from traditional shipboard data collection, to ASVs, USVs and UUVs, ROVs, CTD Rosettes, moorings, gliders, and marine infrastructure.


Kongsberg Discovery

- Technical Account Manager

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